One of the most frustrating things about working in ministry is encapsulated in the following email:
“Hi Laura, I live in DC and I attend [church x] but I must confess I still hop around between parishes trying to find my niche, so that keeps me back from getting involved in any specific community.” (emphasis added)
There is a vast difference in finding your niche and creating your niche! How can you create a vibrant parish community?
- Do you think the choir needs help? Join it!
- Does the way the Word of God is proclaimed lack interest? Use your talent and be a lector!
- Does your homilist miss the mark when trying to connect the Word of God to the congregation? Establish a relationship with your priest or deacon, then suggest ways he could improve!
- Does the church’s interior not reflect glory of God’s True Presence? Donate funds to help refurbish the church!
- Do you complain about a lack of attention to social justice issues and community outreach? Volunteer to start a committed group!
- Has another parishioner never introduced him or herself to you? Make the first move to welcome them!
The list goes on!
This is what Catholic stewardship means: to survey our gifts and offer our time, talent, and treasure to building up the Kingdom of God. For those of you reading this, I’d like to take a quick survey.
- What do you complain about the most at your parish?
- What can you do to remedy the situation?
- Let us know if creating a vibrant parish community is on your priority list!
Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church. 1Cor. 14:12