Come to Jesus?!?

Ever hear of a “Come to Jesus” meeting? That’s how some refer to summons from a superior when they know they’re in trouble. It’s something to be dreaded.

Perhaps the disciples felt dread when the two Marys told them that the risen Jesus would meet them in Galilee. After all, most of them had abandoned him in his hour of need. One had denied him. And it wasn’t they who came to his tomb on Easter morning. It was the women. In light of all this, maybe they feared some sort of punishment from Jesus- a tongue-lashing, a dressing-down, or worse.

We too can dread coming before Jesus when we feel guilty about something. We imagine that he’ll shame us or even reject us. But that’s not the case at all, and today’s gospel gives us a hint of what to expect. In speaking to the two Marys, he calls his disciples “brothers.” He makes no threats. They’re family, he loves them, and he very much wants to see them.

We’re Jesus’ family too. He loves us, and he wants to see is. He will call us to a “Come to Jesus” meeting! Not to make us shake in fear! But so we can share his resurrection joy.

Readings for today’s Mass:

Photo Credit: epicxero via Creative Commons