Why Did Jesus Die in His Thirties?

Why did Christ die in his early thirties rather than as an older man? This would have permitted Him more time to teach and to set forth His Church. St. Thomas Aquinas answered the question in the following way:

Christ willed to suffer while yet young, for three reasons. First of all, to commend the more His love by giving up His life for us when He was in His most perfect state of life. Secondly, because it was not becoming for Him to show any decay of nature nor to be subject to disease …. Thirdly, that by dying and rising at an early age Christ might exhibit beforehand in His own person the future condition of those who rise again. Hence it is written (Ephesians 4:13), “Until we all meet into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ” (Summa Theologica III, 46, 9 ad 4).

Speculations such as these strike some as purely arbitrary. Others consider the reasoning to be a post hoc justification: Christ died at the age of 33, so let’s make something up to try to explain it.

St. Thomas’ reasoning, however, is not based on wild speculation. There are premises to his reasoning.

First, there is the premise that God does nothing arbitrarily and we do well to allow even seemingly minor details in Scripture (e.g., the time of day) to teach us.

Another premise is based on the nature of perfection. Perfection can be harmed by either excess or defect. Consider the case of age: A young person may lack physical and intellectual maturity (youth being a “defect” in age), but there comes a time when age becomes problematic in the other direction as time takes its toll on the body and the mind becomes less sharp (old age being an “excess” in age). Thus, there is a period of time when one’s age is in the “perfect” range: harmed neither by excess nor defect.

In St. Thomas’ time one’s thirties was considered to be that time of perfection. This is arguably still so, though we do seem to take a lot longer to reach intellectual and emotional maturity these days.

St. Thomas notes that because Jesus died while in the prime of His life, the sacrifice was greater. His apparent lack of any disease or physical imperfections also increased His sacrifice. This is a model for us. We are to give the best of what we have to God in sacrifice; not merely our cast-offs, or things of which we might say, “This will do.” The Lord once lamented, through Malachi,

If I am a Father, then where is my honor? When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts (Mal 1:8).

And thus what might seem to some to be an unremarkable detail (Jesus’ age) actually provides important teachings to the sensitive soul. Christ gave His all, His best—and He did so when He was in the prime of His life. We too are summoned to increasing perfection

4 Replies to “Why Did Jesus Die in His Thirties?”

  1. A couple of thoughts.
    1) If the book of Joshua covers a period of forty years (it doesn’t say, of course), then Joshua, dying at an age of 110 years, would have been about thirty when he crossed through the Red Sea with Moses and the nation of Israel. Same age as Yeshua when He was baptized in the Jordan.
    2) The last chapters of the book of Ezekiel give an excruciatingly detailed description of the temple in the prophet’s vision. Do the thirty chambers in Ez. 40:17 correspond to the thirty hidden years of Jesus’ life?
    3) Irenaeus thought Jesus to have been fifty years old when he died, basing that on His disciples’ comment in John 6 that “you are not yet fifty years old.” Considering Dallas Jenkins’ progress on writing and filming “The Chosen”, he must be following Irenaeus.

  2. In My Most Humble Opinion (for who am I to comment on St. Thomas? I am merely a worm.). I’m not buying it (St. Thomas). While the statement, “God does nothing arbitrarily” is unassailably true, it does not answer the question. One could also ask: “Why then (A.D. 33)?” Why there (the Middle East)?” I would much rather have the “physically perfect” Jesus live to “old age,” like, um, Noah. Of course this opinion is tainted by the fact that I am 67 yrs old, and do not consider “old age” to be a defect. For me, the Bottom Line is simply: accept. Rather I would ask how we can all see each other again (after the physical death of our earthly bodies) and there still be a Hell? The only way I can get to sleep with this question is: “Thank GOD I am not GOD.” Into your hands….

    1. Actually Thomas asked and answered many of your questions. Your preference of “accept” may be fine for you, but it is not the usual stance of most of humanity which asks why and seeks answers and the use of reason to propose answers.

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