Let God Find You – As Seen in a Touching Christmas Commercial

Blog12-11It may seem odd to say, “Let God find you.” After all, God knows just where we are. But there is something very respectful about a God who, as Jesus says in the Book of Revelation, stands at the door and knocks. Even back in the Garden of Eden, as sinful Adam and Eve hid, God walked through the garden and called, “Where are you?”

Yes, God waits until we let him find us, until we open the door of our heart where he knocks, or until we decide to come out of hiding.

But God does knock. He sends us prophets and speaks through creation and His Word to establish a connection with us. He seeks a connection. Let God find you. Open the gift of His offer.

Something of this dynamic occurred to me while watching the John Lewis Christmas commercial below. And while the roles seem reversed, the dynamic is the same. A little girl spies a lonely man on the moon and seeks to get his attention, to connect with him somehow. But the man seems lost in his loneliness. Through perseverance, she reaches him and the connection is opened.

Let God find you. Let Him connect with you this Christmas.

One Reply to “Let God Find You – As Seen in a Touching Christmas Commercial”

  1. Absolutely beautiful. I remember that being on commercial TV here in England at Christmas 2015 – it was a very successful year for JL.
    But – THREE John Lewis commercials in a row!! Dear, dear!!
    If you were blogging on the great British BBC, you would be banned! They don’t allow commercial endorsements of any kind!
    Thankfully – YOU are endorsing the greatest ‘non’-commercial gift of all time and in the whole universe!
    God’s persistent – but very gentle love for us – calling us to come to Him and accept His gift.
    I just wish so many more people would get it! Especially – even – those already ‘in’ the church, who don’t seem to behave as though they even know who ‘HE’ is.
    I do wish everyone a good and thoughtful Advent season and remember you all in my prayers for God’s greatest blessings.

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