Are Football Fans More Devoted than Disciples?

I write to you in the midst of a semi-“religious” event: the Super Bowl. People have donned their sacred attire and are shouting praises. The game really lit up toward the end of the second half and again in the last quarter. I enjoy football, but see it a lot less since I am a priest and tend to be busy on Sundays! Yet, I remain quite fascinated at how passionate and dedicated many Americans are to the game and their team. Would that more Catholics had the same dedication to the Mass and the Church that true football fans have for the game. (Fan is short for fanatic). Would too that all priests and religious had the same sacrificial dedication that foot ball players have.

Consider for a moment the players. They spend years coming up through a system of high school, college and professional levels. Priest and religious do as well. Football players give their all to the game. Their whole life is centered on it. Exhausting, year-long practices, weight lifting and punishing games. They risk injury, and suffer many pains, all for the game. Do priests and religious show the same dedication and are they willing to make the same kind of sacrifices for Jesus? Will they risk injury and attack? I pray we will and do, but I wonder. True, we are not paid multi-millions, but we don’t do it for the money. Are we as dedicated and sacrificial?

And what of the faithful? So many Catholics are dedicated to the game. They even come to Church wearing the jersey of their team and someone else’s name on their back! Let’s compare and contrast some of the aspects of football and see if the same kind of thrill and dedication are exhibited to the Lord, the Mass and the Church.

Disclaimer – I write a lot of this “tongue in cheek.” I am not brooding over this, just observing. I am also using a technique known as hyperbole. Hyperbole uses exaggeration to make a point. For example the phrase, “There must have been a million people there” is an exaggeration that is not literally true but does convey the truth that a lot of people were present. Please take these comparisons in the light-hearted manner they are intended.

That said, the point remains a serious one: that we often exhibit unusual priorities when it comes to worldly vs. spiritual matters. We do well to humorously look at ourselves in order to ask God for a greater passion for what matters most. Football is about a bag full of air going up and down a field. Faith is about our eternal destiny.

Consider the following Super Bowl behaviors and contrast them to Mass and the faith:

  • Super Bowl – Many fans prepare for weeks for the game. They follow playoffs, review stats, listen to commentaries and predictions. They are “up on the game.” At bare minimum they know who is playing, and usually a great deal more. They often plan parties and invite others to join them. They discuss with fellow fans their wishes and the likely outcome of the game. They often boast of their team and loudly proclaim their intent to watch the game and see their team win! They anticipate the game and joyfully look forward to it.
  • Mass – Little preparation is evident by most who go to Mass. Generally they do not review the readings or spiritually prepare by frequent confession. Fasting is gone from the Catholic landscape. In fact ¾ of Catholics don’t go to Mass at all. Many who do, don’t joyfully anticipate it. Many even dread going and try to fit it in at the most convenient time and hope for the shortest Mass. This is true even of the great feasts like Christmas and Easter, Holy Week etc. Most Catholics do not speak to others of going to Mass or invite them to join them.
  • Super Bowl – Many wear special clothes for the occasion, even at general football games. Many wear jerseys, hats with insignia and other “sacred” apparel. Some even paint their faces and bodies.
  • Mass – Sacred apparel for Mass is all but gone. Little special attire or care is given to display one’s faith through clothing or other marks of faith. Sunday clothes were once special. Women wore hats and veils, men wore suits and ties and would never dream of wearing a hat into Church. But that is gone. Come as you are seems the only rule.
  • Super Bowl – People who go to games often spend hundreds of dollars for game tickets. Those who are fortunate enough to go to the actual Super Bowl spend many thousands, gladly. Those who stay home often spend a lot of time and money on parties.
  • Mass – Most Catholics give on average 5-7 Dollars per week in the collection plate. Many are resentful when the priest speaks of money.
  • Super Bowl – Most fans arrive early for the game. They do so eagerly. Many, at regular games, have tailgate parties. At home, fans joyfully anticipate the kick off and spend time in preparatory rites such as parties, beer etc. Even ordinary games find the fans watching pre-game shows and gathering well before the kick-off.
  • Mass – Many Catholics time their arrival for just before the Mass. Many, as high as 50%, arrive late. The thought of arriving early to pray or greet fellow worshippers is generally not something that is planned for.
  • Super Bowl – People LOVE the game. They are enthusiastic, they shout, cheer, are focused and interested in each play. They are passionate, alive and celebratory. They also care a great deal, exhibiting joy at good plays, sorrow at bad ones. They are alive, exhilarated, expressive and passionately care about what is happening on the field.
  • Mass – Many look bored at Mass. In many ways the expressions remind more of a funeral than of a resurrected Lord. Rather than joyful faces, it looks like everyone just sucked a lemon: bored believers, distracted disciples, frozen chosen. One finds exceptions in Black Parishes, charismatic Masses, and some Latino parishes. But overall little joy or even interest is evident. It is true many would not think of loud cheers etc as proper for Church, but even a little joy and displayed interest would be a vast improvement.
  • Super Bowl – Many sing team songs. Here in Washington we sing: Hail to the Redskins, Hail victory! Braves on the warpath! Fight for ole DC!
  • Mass – Most Catholics don’t sing.
  • Super Bowl – Even a normal football game goes four hours including the pre and post-game show. Towards the end of a half the game is intentionally slowed down since incomplete passes stop the clock etc. Fans gladly accept this time frame and are even happy and excited when the game goes into overtime.
  • Mass – Frustration and even anger are evident in many of the faithful if Mass begins to extend past 45 minutes. People even begin to walk out. Many leave after communion even if the Mass is on time.
  • Super Bowl – Fans understand and accept the place of rules and expect them to be followed. Often they angry when they are broken or when penalties are missed. They respect the role of the referee and line judges and, even if they are unhappy they accept the finality of their judgments. They seem to understand that a recognized and final authority is necessary for the existence of the game.
  • Mass – Some Catholics resent rules and routinely break them or support those who do. They also resent Church authorities who might “throw a penalty flag” or assess a penalty or any sort. Often do not respect Bishops or the authority of the Church. Many refuse to accept that recognized and final authority is necessary for the existence of the Church. Many Catholics resent pointed sermons at Mass where the priest speaks clearly on moral topics. Praise God, many Catholics are faithful and respect Church authority, sadly though others do not.
  • Super Bowl – Many who go to any football game endure rather uncomfortable conditions for the privilege. Hard seats, freezing cold, pouring rain. Often the game is hard to see and the sound system is full of echoes. Still the stadium is full and few fans complain.
  • Mass – Many complain readily at any inconvenience or discomfort. It’s too hot, too cold, the Mass times aren’t perfectly to my liking. Why aren’t the pews cushioned (hard to keep clean that’s why). Why wasn’t the walk to my usual door shoveled of snow? When will the sound system be better, why do they ask me to move to the front in an empty Church? Etc.

OK, enough. Remember I use hyperbole here and intend this in a light-hearted manner. We people are funny, and what we get excited about is often humorous. Truth is, people love their football. And this one point is serious: would that we who believe were as passionate as football fans. We need to work at this at two levels.

Clergy and Church leaders need to work very hard to ensure that the liturgy of the Church is all it should be. Quality, sacred music, good preaching, devout and pious celebration are essential. Perfunctory, hurried liturgy with little attention to detail does not inspire.

The faithful too must realize more essentially what the Mass really is and ask God to anoint them with a powerful and pious awareness of the presence and ministry of Jesus Christ. They must ask for a joy and a zeal that will be manifest on their faces, in their deeds, in their dedication.

Enjoy this video by Fr. Barron who also uses a sports analogy.

30 Replies to “Are Football Fans More Devoted than Disciples?”

  1. I am truly blessed to live in Washington DC. The Archdiocese of Washington is the best. It meets the needs of many cultural bacgrounds and does it well. I know this is not true across the US. So here’s two thumbs up for ADW and all our religious leaders and lay leaders. If you live outside the DC area and plan a trip to DC or southern Maryland stop in on any Catholic parish. You won’t be disappointed. I truly am a FAN of Jesus and ADW.

  2. Very clever. And a bit sad and true.

    I will take one exception to the part about the singing. It is almost impossible for me to sing with our singer, she sings so high, like an opera singer. For a man, forget it. I say parishes should go back to speaking more parts of the Mass if participation is low. See if the problem is the singer, not the people.

    I also think that people’s faces don’t mean that they aren’t joyful. Different cultures, etc.

    Five to seven dollars? Really? Wow.

  3. Sad…but sports is the new religion of the middle class. If you can’t make the weekend soccer tournament because of Mass…heaven help you! One of my favorite priest always mentioned attendance if a Holy Day of Obligation fell on a weekday…how dare he suggest that you skip swimming or soccer practice! I used to joke that they should schedule a sports practice AFTER mass…how about a “gifted & talented” sports practice…the parents would drop EVERYTHING to show up!!!!!!! 😉

    1. I think sports is the new religion of the middle class. It gives meaning. It organizes your family’s life. It justifies you. It is where you go to join in communion with other families, meeting on the sidelines of children’s games. Family schedules are planned around the U12 club travel team schedule. Your child has practice six days a week but not on Sunday? Then Sunday is the day to have your child meet with a private coach to work on the skills he needs in order to earn his way onto the “gold” squad.

      If your child misses a game to go to Mass… Coach reduces your child’s playing time because your child is not committed to the team.

      If your child misses Mass to go to a game… God loves your child, and will forgive your child, and you, and will take your child back into His arms whenever your child is ready to receive Him. It can’t be any other way, can it? I think I just veered off into universalism, but there it is.

  4. It’s not that great of an exaggeration Msgr. Your post is dead on. But you miss an opportunity to really hit it when using the Super Bowl as the example. Have you ever lived in the south? College football down here is the religion, one I used to belong to.

    The problem with pro football is that it’s relegated to major markets where usually only the people of that respective city care (other than TV watchers), and very few from outside the market go to the games. There are many more people who spend big bucks on college football than they do pro. People travel across the entire state or state lines for home games. Really good teams have such dedicated fan bases that they keep a large contingent that travel to the away games. Each team is given seven home games. That is seven times during the fall (not including championship or bowl games) that ticket donors can dedicate an entire weekend to the game (religion).

    Scholarship/Donor level members + tickets + parking + gas + food + entertainment (each tailgate is accompanied by a flatscreen and dish) + time. Even the average non giver usually makes several home games and uses the free parking areas. There are plenty who take tripped out RVs or buses.

    If the trip is too far, then Friday is a travel day.

    If it is a night game on Saturday night, then Sunday is a sleep it off day or travel day.

    Trust, me I thought nothing of heading out of town and blowing a couple of hundred dollars on away games. My brother-in-law, friends and I all considered it a right of weekend entertainment/relaxation. (Which puts me in mind of the Holy Leisure post someone put up last week)

    The amount of money spent on the game in total by everyone everywhere is staggering.

    The fervor, the chants, the vitriol spewed at the opposing fans. The work place division. If you think the religion arguments on blogs and websites are bad, take a look at the thousand long chains of hate and discord that accompany recruiting and team websites.

    Every Saturday during the fall you have an average, average, of 80,000 people screaming for their favorite team.

    And we think God cares? As this country continues to decline we simply continue to spend money on our favorite escapism. This is not what was intended by him, but to take a line from Archbishop Chaput: What we’re watching emerge in this country is a new kind of paganism, an atheism with air-conditioning and digital TV. And it is neither tolerant nor morally neutral. The new football fan in this country, those 35 and younger, this is their religion. And it knows no bounds other than to get it’s fix every Saturday. It is neither tolerant of each other nor neutral in regards to what it takes to win.

    Take this argument and apply it to music, internet, TV. This is just one example in the long line of sins of America and how we are rapidly descending down the mountain.

    1. I also live in the South, and like Will said, college football is bigger then God down here. What is somewhat ironic about it is this is supposed to be the “Bible Belt”. The one area of the country where God and family come first.

      My husband is one of them. We don’t have the money to travel and buy tickets, so he watches the games on TV. On certain weekends when I know there is a important game on, I actually will take the kids on an outing just to get them out of the house because I don’t want them to be around Daddy while he is watching the game. He gets really wound up and screams profanities at the TV; he acts like an absolute animal during big games. I actually use his behavior as an example to the kids, “See, this is what happens when you love something in this world too much.”

      1. You should sit down with your husband and have a serious conversation with him about his degrading transformation during games. Catholic men should be overcoming these kind of things through their faith.

    2. Will, your comments are dead-on. I was also in the exact same boat that you were once in, following my beloved Auburn Tigers to every stadium in the SEC, with the single exception of South Carolina. They were my religion, I’m ashamed to say, and everything you described above was me, to a tee. I still don’t miss a game on television, but I now know the game’s place in my life, and it’s not first (praise Jesus!).

  5. We need to return to the sacred, preferably the TLM. Read a post just now on re Jimmy Fallon, how he could not return to Mass because of the wild things, hand holding, bands playing and the like. and he grew up in the Novusordo.

    1. Mr. Fallon is sadly both right and wrong: right in that the irreverent way in which the Novus Ordo is sometimes celebrated is awful, and why an appreciation of the Latin Mass is important is that it lays out far more clearly what the Mass is about and how Jesus is present, which can teach us how to pray the Novus Ordo more effectively. But he’s very wrong for saying that he won’t go to Mass just because his experience with the Novus Ordo is less to his liking. Catholicism is either true or it’s not; and Jesus is either present in the Holy Sacrifice of the altar, or he isn’t.

      1. Please, the trads are not any better or holier or more devout than anyone else. What is both awful and irreverent is to celebrate the Extraordinary Form of the Mass with an attitude of condescending disrespect and contempt for the Ordinary Form.

        Those having such an inflated prideful attitude about the Extraordinary Form could learn from the charity and humility of the Ordinary Form.

  6. Msgr Pope – thank you for this good observation.

    Ask the question: “What is your passion!?” If we could look into the heart, what would we find? I’m afraid we would find an idol with a football jersey and a helmet.

    I don’t like to hear pastors preaching about their love for football from the pulpit; while I understand, it scares me.

  7. Sports has replaced the bread and circuses of the Roman Empire for the US. As long as we use consumerism as the medium of worship, football (college and professional) and basketball (college and professional) will be the cathedrals of choice. Sports are just one example though, but maybe the most easily seen. I believe that the decline we see in the American culture is mirrored by the rise in sports venues and sports attractions, but it is not the sport it is what the sport represents – money and fame. And as long as money and fame are worshiped – we will continue this decline.

  8. What I have noticed is the difference in the volume and competence of journalistic coverage. Sports reporters are passionate, engaged, articulate, and well-informed — because the readers demand it, frequently calling out the blunders of erring journalists. Religion coverage is spotty, incoherent, confused, grossly ignorant, grudging, ridden with bias unconscious and otherwise, and frequently hostile. This is apparently fine with readers, who don’t expect faith matters to be covered with the same thoroughness and competence of “real world” subjects like sports.

  9. Funny, I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I thought if Catholics were as enthusiastic, zealous and committed to their faith, spiritual life and the salvation of their souls as football fanatics and assorted enthusiasts are, what a different country the USA would be.
    We need to get our priorities in order and, as Fred Hoeck has written, a return to the sacred, preferably the TLM, is in order. Either way, TLM or not, a return to the sacred is a must.
    We also need to keep focused on the fact that our life here is but a preparation for eternity and that no one is guaranteed automatic salvation. We have to do our part and work hard to earn Heaven. Purgatory and Hell are two dogmas of our faith, and the possibility of our going to either one is very real.

    1. I frankly wish that every parish was able to offer both forms of the Mass. It’ll be tough going for a bit, though, but hopefully appreciation for the TLM and how the Novus Ordo can learn from it will grow. It’s an important part of our spiritual heritage and our Catholic identity.

  10. Msgr.,
    Your final point is very well taken–the clergy and the laity need to see the celebration of the liturgy in its proper context (“what the mass really is”). People would never show up to a stadium to hear a monotonous or hastily prepared mandatory lecture on the rules of football. What draws people is the sense of participation in the event (hence the jerseys, hats, signs, etc.). How much more should we celebrate as Church goers, since unlike football fans we are the actual players and not merely spectators?

  11. Excellent post (and, I’m a football fan).

    In football we expect to be entertained.

    Unfortunately, some have tried to make the Mass entertaining, with the net effect, I believe, of actually causing a loss.

    While the example is good, there is indeed a difference that in the Mass, we are there to give ourselves to God for the hour. Worship should always be unconditional. Moreover, throughout the centuries, Christians have died trying to celebrate Mass and live the Gospel, as the martyred Paul Miki, SJ and companions show us on this, their feast day.

  12. Monsignor – we need a set of buttons so we can more easily put your posts up on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. =D

  13. Sports requires nothing from the fan (other than a ticket to the stadium), has no (published) moral code, is not prosecuted by the state, nor ridiculed by the elite. It offers escapism, not judgmentalism; community, not conflict.

    Catholicism, on the other hand, requires much from the “fan,” has a strict, outdated, and outlawed moral code, and is heavily persecuted by the state. The media, educated, and elite look down on it as the superstition of the ignorant. Catholicism is quite arbitrary and judgmental, promotes conflict and social disintegration.

    It’s no wonder that attendance at religious services is dwindling fast. I hear the Redskins need a new PR person.
    Looking for a new line of work, Chuck?

  14. Monsignor, your analogy is very thoughtful and thought-provoking. I appreciate you taking a light-hearted and humorous approach to this topic, though I know you know this is serious business.

    From Pope John Paul II’s Dies Domini: “. . .in commemorating the day of Christ’s Resurrection not just once a year but every Sunday, the Church seeks to indicate to every generation the true fulcrum of history, to which the mystery of the world’s origin and its final destiny leads.” Yes, we could change history if we worship faithfully on Sunday!

    And: “The custom of the “weekend” has become more widespread, a weekly period of respite, spent perhaps far from home and often involving participation in cultural, political or sporting activities which are usually held on free days. . .when Sunday loses its fundamental meaning and becomes merely part of a “weekend”, it can happen that people stay locked within a horizon so limited that they can no longer see “the heavens”. Hence, though ready to celebrate, they are really incapable of doing so.”

    Several months ago I started reading this apostolic letter, and though I had considered myself a “faithful Catholic,” I realized that I do not celebrate the Lord’s Day as the Church intends. Moreover, it is difficult to reorient myself (and my family) to the proper understanding and living of the Lord’s Day.

    Thanks again for your post, it enables me to see things I am not doing to prepare myself for Sunday worship.

  15. Excellent! I went to bed last night depressed that the dedicated passion for sports has eclipsed the passion for God. I believe it will become inversely proportional…the more God is kicked to the curb the more the continuous cycle of football season, basketball season, baseball season will replace the liturgical calendar. If I told my family I am so excited that today we honor St. Paul Miki and I love him more than Eli Manning they would think I was truly outrageous!

  16. Several years ago, as we walked into church for Mass on Superbowl weekend I suggested to my husband C that the recessional hymn would have a suspicious resemblance to the fight song for one of the teams playing that year. C (after moving swiftly away to avoid a lightening strike) claimed that one could not make a hymn out of a fight song.

    It so happened that this particular weekend was when the Cardinal’s message about the Appeal was presented. When the message got to the instructions on filling out the pledge form, to which I had no desire to listen (having already filled out and sent in the form we received in the mail) I turned my attention to making a hymn out of a fight song.

    It turns out that the refrain from the Redskins fight song works quite well as a Trinitarian hymn:

    Praise to the Father
    Praise to the Son
    Praise to the Spirit
    God the Three in One!

    Also BTW the chord progression of the Redskins refrain is the same as that of Jesus Loves Me.

  17. Dear Msgr. Pope,

    I’d like to add to your list of joyous congregations…

    I find that my fellow Traditional Latin Mass attendees are an exceptionally joyful group. Although most of drive many miles to assist at Mass in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, we count ourselves so blessed that in the Arch. of Boston that the Roman Mass is available to us. We gather together after every Mass for fellowship and these people are the Catholic salt-of-the earth.

    I know that you offer the TLM Msgr so I know you know what I’m talking about.

    Your are always in my prayers, Michael

    1. As a lector, eucharistic minister, parish school board member, children’s liturgist and sacristian, I feel secure in my practice to say this.

      The National Football League goes out of its way to make its secular “sacrament” available, in as many forms and iterations as possible, for its consumers. It highlights the variety of its franchises and its “clergy,” its players. Its “pope” and “college of cardinals” — the commissioner and owners, respectively — ultimately set terms for its “clergy” and its “flock,” the fans, but make sure to reach out to its fans to, at a minimum, gauge their feedback on the state of the “sacrament.” It does not expect or even demand attendance or eyeballs. It earns the adulation of the flock. And when it has been revealed that it has betrayed the trust of the flock, it will take measures to varying degrees to make amends and reconcile.

      Monsignor, you scold the flock a little in your clever piece. It has a ring of truth to it, which makes it effective. But the “church” of the NFL *works* to earn the affections and trust of the “flock.” For reasons altogether different, they seek to leave the Game better than when they found it.

      Our very own Commissioner knew He needed to reach us. He sent His Franchise Player, who in turn, appointed his General Manager and Front Office. The clergy now sit in the Front Office. So, tell me: what are the clergy, who are entrusted with moving The Game forward, doing to earn the affections and trust of the flock, whose trust for Reasons Well Known has been shaken in recent years?

      I’d say, quite a bit. The Church, inspired by awareness and wisdom of the Spirit, is taking such steps. This very forum is an example. It is, as it has always done, using the resources and touchstones of the contemporary world to do its work. But as I see it, if they want to leave the Game better than they found it, they need to show the flock WHY THEY LOVE “THE GAME.” They do so in the way they “play” it and promote it. Clergy around the world do this all the time. But we need “competitive balance.”

      If 75% of NFL fans left the stands or tuned out their TVs, the NFL would re-examine its strategies. Why wouldn’t those entrusted to lead the Church consider the same? Isn’t that why they were called in the first place? The flock can spread that infectious energy, but having great players execute on the field is key. Isn’t that why the clergy is here? The teams that rest on their laurels will always have a hardcore following but will inevitably decline and lose most of their fans.

      Respectfully, don’t assume anything, Monsignor. Those Catholics who appear for the shorter Masses are no less devout, unless you are saying that the shorter Masses are somehow less legitimate. The fact that they don’t sing with their voices doesn’t mean their hearts don’t sing at the receipt of the Eucharist. And many of them may be using the Internet, and other resources, to pray the Rosary, review daily readings, and peruse the Catechism, the same way they’d check injury reports or fantasy lineups. But to the extent you’re right, it’s not entirely the fault of the flock. If the shepherds are losing sheep, they need to spend part of their time looking in the mirror.

      I say these things not out of disrespect or fundamental disagreement. But the analogy cuts both ways. I say these things because this is my Church too, and like so many others here . . . I Love This Game.


  18. Like a some of the other comments I glanced at, I would agree that your discription of Mass seem more like a dead-on description, rather than hypberole. What can we do to make things better? The only thing I can think of is to do everything we can to stay in the state of Grace, both for our own sake at to be prepared to welcome back those who have left. Really, it seems like the Church in Europe and America, even in Mexico (I understand their birthrates have plummeted also) is dying. So, it seems like what we should do is make sure we get Christian burial and say, “Church of Africa, Asia, and South America, I salute you! God help you to do better than we did.”

  19. I think your comments are absolutely correct. One of the responses indicated that the Church had an ” outdated moral code…” which is absolutely wrong. The ” moral code ” the Church teaches is written in our hearts and has been placed there by God himself. All the Church does is remind us of that and to make sure we understand the nuances which develop through cultural evolution and it is God who tells us we cannot enter the Kingdom if we do not observe this code. The Church merely reiterates that. The ancient kingdom of Israel and Juda had the same moral code. Is it tough? Yes indeed, which Christ and then His Church remindes us. If we set our priorities correctly and do what He demanded and which His Church reiterates, it may not be easier but it becomes possible.

    As to those who favor the TLM over the Novus Ordo, I understand that, I used to be the same way, it is what I was raised with. But I assure you, in my opinion the attitude of the faithful in those days was not much better. Today we are confronted by a secular revolution which was in its enfancy in the 40s and 50s, T.V. had not really arrived, there was no national football or basketball for most of us, the distractions and the temptations were miniscule compared to today. These days I prefer the Novus Ordo, though I would like more room given to some use of the Latin at least in the responses of the faithful and in the Sacred Music. Generally the music that accompanies most Novus Ordo celebration is jus plain awful and much of it cannot be sung except by trained and gifted voices. Supposedly the New Missal will give more room for the Latin, the Chant, and traditional Sacred Music ( polyphony I think is one type I was thinking of).

    I don’t watch T.V. myself, I spend that time reading the Nova Vulgata in Latin – which is a story in itself.

    Msgr, I think something is wrong with the way the ” Reply ” section is working. It gets pushed down to the bottom of my screen when I access it or when I want the mouse to move it or change it. This has just happened in the last couple of days.

  20. It’s interesting that Vatican II’s stated attempt to make the Church more relevant to the “modern” world by butchering the liturgy and watering down Catechesis to the point of it being all but non-existent in Catholic schools has had exactly the opposite effect. It has made Her all but irrelevant. The Church suffers as a result and so does what’s left of our culture.

  21. Art means something different to every personi bet you believe that the late kincaid was art’…it was in the narrowest sense, someone creating a representation of something.Each of these photos, while not colorful’ lead the viewer to ponder questions outside of the frame of the picture.I fear that your attitude would lead the national gallery to replace much of its collection (especially the contemporary works) with Kincaids….cause they are pretty’.

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