What Is the Deepest Root of Sin? It’s Not in Your Wallet and It’s Much Closer Than You Might Think

In polling friends as to what they think is the deepest root of all sin, I got three main answers. One was a shrug indicating no answer at all (i.e., “I dunno”). Another was to refer to Scripture: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils (1 Tim 6:10). I’ll discuss below why this is an …

What Does the Arrest of St. Paul at Philippi Teach a Sometimes-Timid Church?

In daily Mass we are following the missionary journeys of St. Paul. Yesterday we heard of his going over to Macedonia and of the baptism of the first “European” converts: Lydia of Thyatira and her family. Unfortunately, in today’s reading (Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter) important lines are cut out that describe why Sts. …

Grand Unified Theory: The Answer for Everything as Seen in a Commercial

In recent decades scientists were in search of what many of them called the “grand unified theory.” The concept was that there was one thing, one theory, that explained everything. I am not sure if this is still a pursuit among scientists or not, but I have to say, as a believer and a theologian of sorts, that …

Equal in Dignity and Responsibility: Ministering to Those With Same-Sex Attraction

A conference is being planned in August to ponder an authentic pastoral response in ministering to those with same-sex attraction. Dr. Janet Smith is the organizer; Courage International and the Archdiocese of Detroit are the sponsors. It looks to be a  fine gathering of solid speakers. Though I am clearly a “back-bencher” among the fine speakers …

The Bread of Affliction: A Meditation on What Jesus Endured at the Last Supper

The Last Supper is, strangely, a sad study in the kind of affliction the Lord had to endure from His own disciples. Of all the meals the Lord must have shared with them, this was the one that should have gone beautifully and perfectly; it did not. From one moment to the next the blows …

What Is Temptation, Why Does God Permit It, and What Are Its Sources?

I will be on the Catholic Answers radio show today (Monday, March 23) at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. The topic will be temptation, what it is and how to avoid and overcome it.  I’ve assembled some notes in preparation and I’ll present them (in two parts) in the blog. Today’s post focuses on what temptation is, why God allows it, and …