Church Teaching on”Same-Sex Marriage”
I found this video out on YouTube. It is rather well done in articulating the Church Teaching against “Same-Sex Marriage.” It is sensitively done as well, making clear that the Church does not reject or “hate” individuals with homosexual orientation. Yet to speak the truth in love means that we must insist on abstinence from sex for all unmarried individuals. Further, we cannot depart from Biblical teaching on the nature and purpose of marriage. We must remain consistent with Biblical truth and the constant teaching of the Church. It is a rather brief video and I recommend you view it and share the link with others.
Bottom line is, God has established marriage as a stable, lasting union of a man and a women and oriented it to the pro-creation and rearing of children. I have often quoted Genesis 2 and 3 in this regard but, here is another quote from the book of Malachi 2:15-17:
15 Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. 16 “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel, “and I hate a man’s covering himself with violence as well as with his garment,” says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.
Here then is the video
No sack for the journey
Today’s Gospel is the familiar story of Jesus sending his apostles out on one of their early preaching missions.
He tells them not to take a sack for the journey or any gold or silver. I’ve been thinking about this Gospel in light of the start of our new fiscal year. One the one hand, the budgets look full and are full of promise, on the other hand, I’ve not forgotten the projects that could not be funded given budget constraints. But, if I asked the popular question of a few years back-”What would Jesus do”, it opens us endless possibilities. He might suggest, that as the Executive Director of the Office of Evangelization, I leave my desk, walk out the door and just start talking about Jesus. This would require neither money nor a sack! On such a gorgeous day, it is also very tempting.
As Catholics…
However, as a good Catholic, I know that we don’t always interpret the Gospel literally–love your neighbor–that’s to be understood literally— take no sack or money for the journey–down right silly in this day and age!
The timeless message and truth of today’s reading is to be faithful to our responsibility to share the good news and be careful about the “stuff” that can weigh us down and keep us from getting the job done.
I began to think about about how I could evangelize more widely and at little cost. Quite to my surprise , it was suggested by a friend that I Twitter. I am not a likely candidate for Twittering; I don’t have a facebook page, I send maybe two or three texts a week and someone has to send me a link to YouTube or another video for me to notice it. But, I am serious about evangelizing and I am serious about reaching people who may spend more time twittering than reading the parish bulletin or checking out the ADW blog.
Follow me on Twitter
To be honest, I was a bit thrown by the question “what are you doing ?” Really, how much of what we do(in 140 characters) is really worth sharing? But, to answer the question in the context of spreading the Gospel is so much more intriguing. So, I am casting the net into the deep, needing no money or sack for the journey and going to Twitter about the Good News. Follow me at 30viadellanima.
It was my address when I was living and studying in Rome. I lived in a beautiful palazzo on Piazza Navona and I use to sit in a window that overlooked the piazza and watch people from all over the world gather in the square. I often wondered how much of Catholic Rome was seeping into their minds and hearts. It is in this spirit that I move into the world of Twitter.
Let’s Tweet.
Are You Beautiful Enough?
I would like to re-post a blog entry that I did some months ago. Given Our recent and robust discussion of marriage and dating I thought re-posting this might be good for those of you who missed it:
We live today with very high expectations of many things. Culturally we have very demanding standards for beauty, especially in regard to women. We expect them to have appealing “curves” but be slender etc. Even ordinary weight is considered by many as unattractive. All this obsession with perfection leads to low self esteem among women and men too. Further, these high expectations of zero body fat and perfect shape, hair color, skin tone etc. leads to hypercritical and hurtful remarks. There is an old saying that “Unrealistic expectations are premeditated resentments.” Hence this attitude also may have to do with marriage difficulties as the near perfect bodies of youth give way to the more “settled” bodies of middle age and beyond (gravity and age do have their effects and even if you weighed what you did in High School it doesn’t look the same!) Plastic surgery is a miracle for those with a truly catastrophic injury or deformities but today it is too often the refuge of those who have become obsessed with how they look and how they think others regard them. Oh to be free of such obsessions! The picture to the right depicts a woman but men have the problem too.
Help me Lord to be little more comfortable in my own skin. Help me to accept that you like both tall and short people because you made them both. Both the blond and the brunette are from your hand, wavy hair, straight hair, wirey hair are all from you and apparently to your liking. Thin and hefty, black, white and all between are from your artistic hand. Help me to love me as you made me. If I should lose weight for health’s sake help me, but if its only about what others might think of me, free me.
Watch this video and see how a very lovely young woman is not lovely enough. She has to be altered, “perfected.” And when simple natural enhancements are not enough her image must be furthered altered on a computer. Message: the perfect beauty does not exist in the world of media. She must be invented. Then everyone can pine after and spend large amounts of money and time trying look like someone who doesn’t even exist.
Musical Highlights
I have to admit, I have not often been a big fan of modern Church music. I am more traditional in my tastes. (A big exception to this has been Gospel Music which I love and which is in its own way is traditional – in the African American Community). But other more contemporary Christian music has often remained off my radar. I find it a little too centered on us and not enough on God. Yet in recent months, mostly working for this blog I have stumbled upon certain modern Christian music that I find quite good. It is musically more pleasing as well as being more centered on God, or at least inviting us to consider God. I’d like to offer some of those songs here. I have posted some of the best of these songs and the videos that accompany them before but collect them here for your reference. All of these songs are available at iTunes. You may not have time listen to them all now, but perhaps save the link and listen little by little.
Jesus Christ, You Are My Life – Monseñor Marco Frisina
Still – Hillsong
Take My Life – Passion
Let The Healing Begin – Michael John Poirier
Take Me In – Kutless
As The Deer – America’s Top 25
Lord I Lift Your Name On High – Maranatha Singers
Come to Jesus – Chris Rice
Grounded in Love – Justin Stroh
Beauty in Service of Goodness and Truth
There is a long noted connection between what is good, what is true and what is beautiful. Catholicism seeks to employ beauty in the service of what is good and true. Most Catholic Churches, especially the older ones, make great use of art, stained glass, and architecture to summon Catholics to faith. Further, our sacraments engage the senses and involve the body. We are touched in the sacraments physically and also therefore spiritually. Beyond the sacraments themselves there are the ways in which the liturgy itself engages the senses. There are candles, incense, music, and flowers. Even the many postures of prayer engage the body: sitting, standing, kneeling, sings of the cross, holy water, processions etc. Catholicism seeks to engage the whole person. We are not just a spirit or a soul, we are body-persons. Catholicism takes this very seriously. In summoning the human person to what is good, true and beautiful, Catholicism summons the whole person and employs much of God’s creation to announce the good news. This video displays the beauty of Catholic tradition and how it is a kind of feast for the whole person. The images emphasize the ancient traditions of the Church
Latest Catholic News
This news segment is from CATHOLIC Among the issues covered here is Pope Benedict’s address concluding the year of St. Paul. Also extensive coverage of the Pope’s announcement concerning findings on the Tomb of St. Paul. Further – Do you have “adult faith?” Find out what this means and if YOU have it.
One of the most frustrating things about working in ministry is encapsulated in the following email:
“Hi Laura, I live in DC and I attend [church x] but I must confess I still hop around between parishes trying to find my niche, so that keeps me back from getting involved in any specific community.” (emphasis added)
There is a vast difference in finding your niche and creating your niche! How can you create a vibrant parish community?
- Do you think the choir needs help? Join it!
- Does the way the Word of God is proclaimed lack interest? Use your talent and be a lector!
- Does your homilist miss the mark when trying to connect the Word of God to the congregation? Establish a relationship with your priest or deacon, then suggest ways he could improve!
- Does the church’s interior not reflect glory of God’s True Presence? Donate funds to help refurbish the church!
- Do you complain about a lack of attention to social justice issues and community outreach? Volunteer to start a committed group!
- Has another parishioner never introduced him or herself to you? Make the first move to welcome them!
The list goes on!
This is what Catholic stewardship means: to survey our gifts and offer our time, talent, and treasure to building up the Kingdom of God. For those of you reading this, I’d like to take a quick survey.
- What do you complain about the most at your parish?
- What can you do to remedy the situation?
- Let us know if creating a vibrant parish community is on your priority list!
Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church. 1Cor. 14:12