God leaves many things unresolved. Here are some reasons why.

101714One of the great mysteries of God’s providence is that He often leaves things unresolved or unattended to for a very long time. Often, despite our fervent prayers, He doesn’t rush to fix everything, and He has His reasons for this.

Perhaps it is that we often grow through struggles. We discover strengths that we did not know we had.

Sometimes, suffering brings wisdom, and we learn more by living our questions for a while, rather than getting quick answers.

Suffering can also spur creativity. Many movies, works of literature, paintings, poems, and so forth are often the fruit of struggle and speak to the drama of our life and the conflicts we often endure.

Sometimes suffering brings growth. There’s an old saying, “Things do, by opposition grow.” Another one says, “Calm seas do not a mariner make.”

Perhaps, too, in rushing to solve things and frequently intervening, God would cancel too much human freedom, which He both respects and sees as necessary for us to be among those who love, those who are sons and daughters rather than slaves.

Finally, and most mysteriously from our perspective, fixing one thing often affects many other things. Very often, in a rush to fix many things in our culture we have caused a great deal of harm as well. Whatever our good intentions, many of our welfare programs have harmed our families and our churches, from which help, through the bonds of charity, traditionally came. Many of our technologies have had harmful effects on the environment. And despite our many labor-saving devices, most of us are busier than ever. Fixing things sometimes leads to more problems, or at least brings unintended consequences.

Yes, there are mysteries to God’s providence, and despite our many and seemingly reasonable requests that things be fixed (and quickly!), God in His wisdom often delays and leaves things unresolved. He has His reasons, but most of the answers as to why are none of our business.

I thought of this as I watched the video below. It is of a plumber who is determined to fix a leak. His frustration grows, and is understandable, but sometimes in fixing a drip too hastily we get a flood.

Be careful before you rush to fix things in your life or in the lives of others. Fixing is often required, but go slowly, carefully, and learn patience. Learn from God, who can fix everything instantly but usually does not.

10 Replies to “God leaves many things unresolved. Here are some reasons why.”

  1. One thing God does not leave unresolved is the sacraments. In fact, Jesus instituted the sacraments specifically so that we would know for absolute certainty that we had received the relevant graces by the efficacious operation of the outward visible sign. Otherwise, graces being “invisible,” we could never be sure. But with the sacraments, all is resolved.

    Except, apparently, when it comes to the sacrament of matrimony. There, it would seem, that despite going through marriage prep where the nature of marriage, etc. is taught the couple, despite their giving vows that state that the person knows that it is a life-long commitment, etc., that neither spouse can ever be sure that they are in fact married. With 90 percent of people asking for annulments being told that they never were married after all, the status of every marriage today is unresolved. It’s all unresolved — at least according to an all too numerous and all too powerful faction in the Church who, because of their erroneous conception of mercy, have led people to quite reasonably conclude that it is all a farce.

    Of course, Jesus might say that the situatioin is totally resolved, that’s why He went to the trouble of instituting the sacrament.

  2. “Turn to me oh man and be saved says the Lord for I am God. There is no other, none beside Me, I call your name.” This says so many things to me that I cannot even begin to lay it all out, nor do I want to. God stands at the door and knocks. If we invite him to enter, he will. Mary Magdalene washed Christ’s feet w/her tears and dried his feet w/her hair. To me that act of surrender says it all.

  3. Thank you Msgr., for the call , to trust in a God of love, even in the midst of trials and as mentioned , that trust that was abandoned in The Garden is not that easy for many of us ;

    Thus, the call through St.Paul , to ‘ make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ ‘ , by each of us , often uniting in The Spirit of love, poured in through The Passion – Resurrection, with those who are the source of pain, repenting and asking for mercy , with them , in spirit – ‘have mercy on us ‘ , not just have mercy on
    ‘ them ‘ as reminded in book on Healing of Families, by Fr.Yozefu ( Divine mercy prayers too – have mercy on us ‘)

    Such a unity with the other, in weakness too , can in itself be healing and possibly an occasion of deliverance for both , with far reaching impacts even, for others who too are struggling .

    Book of Job an example and the lives of saints , with the Feast of St.Jude approaching , a saint often invoked as patron of ‘impossible’ and a popular saint of our times, may be because of many who esp. through Judasic like presumptions, might be in an almost impossible situation of being brought back, into truly trusting in The Lord, instead of in their own human , maniplualtiveness , thus deprived of good , holy relationship, with The Lord , which, very likely , was never there , with its attendant efforts to run after attention /control in unholy ways !

    We almost hear the tone of angst in St.Jude, in John’s Gospel, at The Lord’s words on how He would not be revealed to the world ; having heard how St.Jude was a grandfather, was it likley that he was thinking of those in his family, who might have been worldy and thus, grieved in the spirit for them, now to be a patron of such impossible worldly minded , to counter the judasic traits !

    ‘Jesus , I trust in Thee’ – often, on behalf of and with all in our lives – may our trials be powerful occasions for same, thus to help healing and deliverance for many world over !

    St.Jude , pray for us all , for us to get to love The Father, in The Spirit , knowing His love , for each of us ,
    in the depth of our hearts , seen in The Face of The Lord !

  4. May be St.Jude and prayers of all , for this blog users – has been wondering what would be a good response , to the comprehensive prayers of the Litany , in your good little book – Ten Commandments , having been unable to find same , for the ones in the beginning of the Litany ; think the words – ‘Jesus , I trust in Thee ‘ might be a good response and may He bless me and others to truly do so from the heart , carried out in word and deed , that even after falls , as promised, He can pour in graces and that seeming failures thus can still be occasions for grace through repentance for all in our lives too , even though , the grace to be protected , as was The Mother , thus ever staying close to Him , is the path of mercy we would really want !

    Thank you !

  5. Another amazing post, Monsignor! My divorce has brought me back to the Church. Slowly, and carefully, I am amending my life. Your blog is helpful in pointing me in the right direction. I’m humbly grateful to read your blog entries every day. 🙂

  6. This so much reminds me of the idea/philosphy of GRADUALISM that you, dear Msgr, spoke of before and beautifully so….I understand gradualism is good on the individual but not so much the “entire” level…. I understand (and hope for this with my own son who is ssa.)…in the sense that whatever happens here might have to be gradual…no matter how much I talk about the “immediate sin” etc….the overarching and prevailing love between my son and myself makes room for “gradualism” for my praYERS TO BE ANSWERED IN TIME…AND FOR MY “INTERVENTIONS” TO BE STYMIED BY OUR BLESSED Mother, for yes, I have been stymied, my efforts have been stymied….because Our Lady lets me know in so many ways that SHE is TAKING CARE OF THINGS…..and that I must let go and let go since I already have spoken what I believe to be the truth….
    So, yes, thank you, Msgr, for reminding me that God, Jesus and Our Lady are on a different time frame, a different dimenion…. OH JESUS WITHOUT YOU NOTHING IS POSSIBLE! and with you allt hings are possible and on time…Sincerely, Diane Wyder

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