Some Standards and Concerns Jesus will NOT have on the Day of Judgment

We human beings tend to assess our relative status and success based on things like money, possessions, popularity, career, and power. Am I wealthy and well-connected? Do I have a large house with a great room, cathedral ceilings, granite counter tops, and numerous widescreen TVs (even in strange places like the bathroom)? Do I have a glamorous career instead of a “demeaning” job? Do I have good looks (through big hair, cosmetics, or even plastic surgery)? From a worldly perspective, all of these things mean that I am successful, that my life has reached its goal, that I have made it to the top.

But of course none of this really matters to God. Even worse, it may even negatively configure us for the day of judgment. Too often, we amass great worldly riches, but are poor in what matters to God.

Do we honestly think that God will be impressed by many of the things that impress us? Does God measure success by our standards? Countless Bible verses teach that the answer to this is a definitive “no.”

Summarizing his inverse stance to all we hold glorious, God says,

  1. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Is 55:8-9).
  2. Or again, Many who are last shall be first (Matt 19:30).
  3. Or yet again, (speaking of the rich man who built bigger barns) Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God (Luke 12:21).

And thus on the day of judgment, it does not seem that God will be impressed by some of the following human benchmarks for success:

1. How much money was in your bank account when you died. In and of itself, acquired wealth is not intrinsically evil. The Lord made no universal condemnation of wealth.

However, wealth carries with it great responsibility.  The Lord is not impressed with our six- or seven-figure income. Rather he is interested in what we did with it.

Were the poor blessed? Were jobs created? Did you use the excess of your wealth to bless the common good in some way? This need not mean that you indiscriminately threw money about to those who could not reasonably use it well. It might mean that you used it to develop new technologies that created new job sectors. It could mean that you endowed worthy and holy causes. It could mean any number of things. But the bottom line is that your excess wealth should benefit others, not simply glorify you.

Dying with lots of money in your portfolio does not impress the Lord so much as it will create a responsibility in you who died with it. Whatever wealth you have beyond what you reasonably need really belongs to others, and should be applied intentionally toward the welfare, the goodness, and the growth of others. Wealth carries grave responsibilities. Before we simply boast of it, we ought to remember that those with wealth and power will be judge more strictly. Scripture says,

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:17-19).

2. How much money you left to your children as an inheritance. It’s a nice thing to leave a little something for your kids. But inheriting vast amounts of wealth is not necessarily a good thing. It creates the illusion that fruitfulness can or should be obtained without labor.

It does not take much study of the lives of children of the rich and famous to discover that pampering is a huge issue. Add to this the many warnings about wealth in Scripture and it starts to seem that leaving lots of money to your kids is almost like setting a snare for them. Consider the following:

  1. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs (1 Tim 6:8-10).
  2. And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matt 19:23-24).
  3. The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful (Matt 13:22).

Again, let it be said that money is not intrinsically evil. But if heaven is the goal, and the Lord warns consistently that wealth is dangerous at best and an obstacle at worst, then loading kids up with wealth and material things is problematic and not something that will likely impress the Lord on the day of judgment.

Yet even knowing that wealth is dangerous and makes it hard for us to inherit Heaven, we still want it, congratulate ourselves for having it, and then saddle our kids with it (congratulating ourselves still further). And if we think the Lord is going to be impressed with all this amassing and bequeathing, we probably have another think coming.

3. What the square footage of your dream home amounted to. Most of us who are over 50 grew up in homes of 1200–1500 square feet.  And we thought these were spacious compared to the little tenements and row houses of the previous generation.

Many people now think it is reasonable to demand square footage of 5000 or more. And they further demand many amenities such as a great rooms with cathedral ceilings, master suites with tray ceilings, granite countertops, multiple televisions, and walk-in closets the size of the room I shared with my brother!

But the Son of man had nowhere to lay his head. And Jeremiah warns,

Does it make you a king to have more and more cedar paneled walls? Did not your father have food and drink? He did what was right and just, so all went well with him. He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?” declares the Lord. …I warned you when you felt secure, but you said, ‘I will not listen!’ This has been your way from your youth; you have not obeyed me. You who are nestled in cedar buildings, how you will groan when pangs come upon you, pain like that of a woman in labor! (Jeremiah 22:15ff)

In other words, it is nice to have a fancy house, but how does it affect our ability to help the poor or to stay focused on spiritual things? Therefore watch out; not only is God unimpressed with  your square footage, he is quite worried about it. Our houses are bigger but emptier. We have fewer children (with widespread contraception and abortion), but bigger houses.  They are emptier, but still they must be bigger and bigger.  There is more and more contraception, more and more abortion, but there is no room in our bigger houses, no room at all! There is no room for the poor, no room to adopt or raise foster children, no room for children of our own. There’s no room for anything but our bigger egos.

4. That you provided a college education for all your children. I know, I know, I’ve attacked a major sacred cow. It is almost universally unquestioned that a college education unlocks the future for the recipient of it.

I only seek to point out major concerns that ought to be considered. First of all, those who seek to acquire these degrees are often exposed to four or more years of a moral cesspool.  They are taught moral relativism and many other things that are unambiguously hostile to the faith we supposedly hold dear. For the majority of young people exposed to this, it will be years (if ever) before they return to their faith.

There are valid options available, but most parents give little attention to good Catholic colleges (such as those the Newman Society recommends) if they can get their kid into Harvard or Yale or “once-Catholic” colleges like Georgetown. Almost no one counts the moral, psychological, and spiritual cost of being educated in these sorts of secular and often pernicious institutions we call higher education.

But even then, one might argue that with a solid grounding in the faith it would be okay. But sadly, while many parents will make incredible sacrifices to send their children to these institutions of so-called higher learning, most lift almost not a finger to teach them the faith that alone can save them. So they make great sacrifices for their children to be able to climb the ladder of success, never considering that it is leaning up against the wrong wall. They send them to moral cesspools but seem more concerned for their grades than for their moral or spiritual lives.

Hence on the day of judgment, the Lord will be less than impressed that you sent your child to an Ivy League school or even to a state college. What he WILL wonder and what WILL impress him is that you handed on to him or her the holy faith that He revealed.

Too harsh you say? Forgive me dear reader. If the shoe fits wear it, otherwise, let it pass over you. But for many, the shoe fits all too well.

5. Whether you were popular and all spoke well of you at your funeral. While we are not called to be sociopaths who care not one wit about what others think, too many of us have turned being nice, being liked, and being esteemed by men into an ideal.

But Jesus was nailed to a cross. And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore (Hebrews 13:12-13).

Are you greater than Jesus? He says,

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you (Jn 15:18-19).

Jesus will not be impressed that you were esteemed by human beings. He warns, Woe to you when all men speak well of you (Lk 6:26). Rather, Jesus will be impressed that you and I were willing to speak the truth in love and were willing to bear insult for the sake of the Kingdom.

On Judgment Day, fare you well! But be sure of this: the Lord will not use the standards we are so obsessed by. We need to come to a new mind to get ready for Judgment Day! Fare you well.

48 Replies to “Some Standards and Concerns Jesus will NOT have on the Day of Judgment”

    1. True, True, check out the stories of people who won the lotteries. A lot of them become ruined by it.

  1. Inspiring article which prompts me to tell my story but it would sound more like fiction than fact. Someday, I will write it just for myself.

  2. Amen to words of Nellie above ;

    easy to forget how trying to keep casting off these idols that persons tend to rely upon , to feel loved by others or to feel superior to others, from pride , can instead , bring deeper sense of living for the all good God , being able to trust Him more , esp. in realm of prayer , that He can be asked to help those in our lives too, who are under such idolatrous holds – the Lord who set Magdalene free, who walked into the life of the Gerasene demoniac – possibly a descendant of Shimei, son of Gera ! – mentioned in Sam .16.5 he is the one who comes out cursing and throwing stones at David .

    May the Holy Spirit be with us all, to help our focus on thinking and doing things , in the heavenly manner – of His Perfect will , for our Good Lord, who want us to have the joy of seeing what our 5 loaves can do !

  3. When we meet God one on one we will experience a Love so strong so consuming that and we will become so filled with this love. But the disappointment within ourselves for not returning this love or even acknowledging this love to the degree that God so deserves, will be so painful we will be unable to bear it. We will not be as effected by the sins we committed as we will by this so pure love given to us, that we never really appreciated. Ask God to help you understand how much He loves you,


  4. “inheriting vast amounts of wealth is not necessarily healthy. It creates the illusion that fruitfulness can or should be obtained without labor.”

    Indeed. This recalls Ecclesiastes 2:18-19:

    “Yea, I hated all my labor which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.
    And who knows whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labor wherein I have labored, and wherein I have showed myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity.”

  5. It might be interesting to do a study/report of the student cost of attending various Catholic schools ( high school four years or complete education K-12) as well as four years (minimal BA or BS degree) of Catholic college/university. A Catholic education( K-college) is an expensive need. It is no wonder that the occupational tendency is to “go where the money is” whether Catholic or not and attend an occupationally prestigious college/university compatible with “career” preparation. This “career” preparation for professional athlete includes an athletic scholarship for which very few Catholic college/university students qualify.

    1. Interestingly enough, I’m finding it is more expensive to attend the nominally Catholic college I’m at than to have attended the authentically Catholic college I now regret not attending. Seriously, that authentically Catholic college would have been cheaper or possibly free (were I unable to pay).

      1. It’s not too late. Why not transfer? You are young. The spiritual rewards will be eternal, as will the graces you will receive. The friendships you make (your authentic Catholic spouse may be waiting for you there) and the authentic Catholic education you receive will last a lifetime. Ask Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Spirit for discernment.

  6. Beautiful insight Monsignor! Which is why it is commonly said it only takes 10 minutes to be called ‘Christian’ but to be a true disciple demands renewal of the mind (Rom 12:1-2) which could take a lifetime!

  7. .Excellent thoughts which to live daily by.It isn’t hard
    if a person follows the way Jesus would act and do to others.

  8. Great word of wisdom! Thanks for the reminders. I hope a lot of people get to read it.

  9. In the event a rich person dies, a person’s riches will not matter at all to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who also happens to be God in a glorified body. What is more important to Jesus is what the rich person has done to and for others, meaning his brothers and sisters. For we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God. The rich person’s words and deeds matter most to Jesus whether they be good or evil. The person’s wealth does not matter to God at all. They mean nothing to Him. It will not sit well with the rich person if he/she is arrogant and puffed up with so much pride because of his/her achievements or success. He/ she cannot make excuses to God because He knows everything. His omnipresence is within each and every human being here on earth because He has to judge each one according to what he or she has done during their earthly lifetime.

  10. I hate to say it but all this talk of the blessed poor and money not being that important has really demotivated me. I am over 50 and have never really had enough ambition. Rather I have styled myself after the illegal aliens who God loves more than me because they are poor. As a consequence, despite having lots of education, I am pretty much destitute and nearly homeless. I wish that the Church had preached more about the virtues of working hard and being successful, at least successful enough to take care of yourself. All I heard growing up as a white working-middle class person was that I was the bad person because I wasn’t a poor person of color. Never any support for white working class or poor.

    1. Yes the biblical wisdom really turns worldly economics on its head. I am sorry the gospel does not motivate you. One possible middle ground would be to be motivated to great success so as to bless others, rather than amass wealth.

      Too bad for your racial concerns. Can’t help you with that. I DO think perhaps you are confusing the Church with American Liberalism. The Church speaks from a biblical posture and in the context of her social teachings. Hence your notions about race and God loving certain people “more” is a reaction to something the Church isn’t saying. I suspect you are hearing and reading the Biblical Wisdom through a filter, lets call it Americanism.

      The Bottom line is that you are being invited to be rich in what matters to God. Thus if you are as you describe, destitute etc, no shame in that. Hard work etc is still called for. Perhaps the Proverb comes to mind: Give me neither poverty nor riches. Lest in my poverty I steal, or in my riches I say “Who is the Lord?” (Prov 30:8)

      1. I would like to point out myself as an example of what Msgr Pope said. I heard a distorted view of the biblical ideas from the media and social settings that warped my way of thinking in a way that I can relate with you. It’s when I got grounded on actually Church teachings that it changed my life. At first it was resentment for living my life and ruining it all wrong. Mother Theresa said, in paraphrase, one of the saddest things in life is wasted suffering. I was suffering wastefully in the sense of doing it wrong while thinking I was doing right. (While I believe her main point was not suffering with Christ but suffering alone and for no purpose, I can see multiple levels to her words, one of which is applied above.) However, after the resentment passed, I realized I could offer up my past sufferings to God because so many of us wander aimlessly due to the false teachings we received. Then I turned a new leaf and lived towards all the good gifts God offers.

        As a last comment, the beatitude in Matthew 5:3 says “blessed are the poor in spirit” (NAB) not in destitute. And I found Father Larry Reflections (there are available from EWTN catalog and clips are shared on youtube) to be wonderful reflections on how to live in the blessing of the poor in spirit, no matter what state we are in – laborer, ceo, lawyer, janitor, etc.

  11. One point that is an obsession is how much I weigh. Will Jesus judge me by my weight meaning, did I take care of myself as a personal person, one who belongs to Jesus alone.?

    May I have a reply to this question, please
    Grace and many blessings

    1. “… for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”
      I Samuel 16:7

      your outward appearance may be a sign of the inward (immodesty, gluttony, vanity, etc,) but it is that inward condition of the spirit that matters.

  12. Msgr Pope, do you have any advice/recommendations about retirement planning for young married couples/young people? My wife and I tithe 10% of our gross income; and we feel very blessed when we do this because we are able to see great fruits, even locally. But there is so much talk (even Christian advice, eg Dave Ramsey) about saving for retirement. My wife and I currently do save for retirement, and it hurts a little to forego current pleasures for future income. As a husband, I believe I have a duty to provide at least a small nest egg to my wife and children should I pass away – as the future sole breadwinner of the family whenever we are blessed with children. You have written before about money in the context of helping the poor so that we can “store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven”, and we prayerfully consider how our tithe can help with that. But are we being selfish by also being concerned that we lay up for ourselves some future income when our bodies are no longer able to work? Couldn’t we use what we’re saving for retirement to store up even MORE treasure in Heaven? (We don’t really even feel like we’re not doing enough, though.)

    This may seem like a me-/us-centered question. However, we are also involved in the marriage prep ministry here in DFW. As a CPA, I’m usually lauded as someone with expertise when it comes to money. It’s true that I can help couples with budgeting and finances, but I’d love some input from a holy priest about how we can also approach this topic with future married couples.

    I’m sorry if this isn’t directly related to your above post, but this is a question I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time. Thanks and God bless you!

    1. Having some sort of retirement fund is certainly important, and in some sense morally obligatory. As a priest, I participate a 403B plan and also pay for long-term care insurance. Such things are not simply ways of feathering our nest, but also avoiding being undue burdens to those in our age, or disability. Here also, it would seem that extremes need to be avoided such it would seem that we ought to save in such a way that will allow us to live with moderate comfort and not merely set aside all monies, on the pretext that I might need this someday such that we avoid obligations to the poor and others. It would seem, based on what you write, you are in fact considering these things as you weigh various decisions.

    2. Matt:

      You should have a term life insurance policy sufficient to your state of life. Discuss with your wife what that should be. May God bless you.

  13. Thank you Msgr. I agree with your words but I do have some sympathy with “white trash”. If I listened to liberal politicians I would think I have everything because I am a white male. I would feel guilty for being a “winner of life’s lottery”. Among the “losers” are those who choose to drop out of high school, choose to fornicate and have kids out of wedlock, and choose to get paid not to work. Of course this only refers to some, not all, of America’s poor. It refers little to the world’s poor. Our priest is a wonderful pastor. He attacked, without naming names, Obama’s cruel “you did not build that” remark. Our priest told of his immigrant grandpa building his own business and how his grandpa did pay for roads thru his taxes. Again, I agree with your words, thank you for reading my words, and I praise God that He loves me as much as he loves any other poor or rich person-all of me, including my heritage, my parents’ hard work, and my being a middle class hard-working American. And I know I have everything I have only thru His grace. God Bless

  14. My wife bought a powerball ticket the other day. So at dinner we talked about how incredibly disruptive winning would actually be.

  15. Msgr. Hard work often results in financial success. There is no shame in being successful if your success was earned honestly. God gives each of us gifts that we can assume He expects us to use. If that results in financial success, I suspect that is His plan. What of those who have been given talents and not used them. Will God be more pleased with these people than with those that have been successful? Seems the United States is fast becoming a country of people who want hard working, successful Americans to support them. Is that pleasing to God? Also, I hope those at my funeral speak well of me. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you were a sinful person. It could also mean that one led a Christian life. There is nothing wrong with leaving an inheritance to your children to help them along with educating your grandchildren and lightening their load. I understand the point of the story, just think that it was quite bias against financial success. I believe King David and of course Solomon were both very wealthy individuals whom God loved.
    The man was made king and came back. At once he ordered his servants to appear before him, in order to find out how much they had earned. 16 The first one came and said, ‘Sir, I have earned ten gold coins with the one you gave me.’ 17 ‘Well done,’ he said; ‘you are a good servant! Since you were faithful in small matters, I will put you in charge of ten cities.’

    1. No problem with hard work. The immoderate accumulation wealth and things is the problem. This is a constant theme of scripture. Building bigger barns results in jesus calling a man a fool etc. excess need not merely be given away but also used to. Benefit others through investment in industry etc

      1. No shame in wealth? No, not if one manages it as a good steward, but how many of us do so? By all means benefit others by investing your money in productive enterprises, in stocks, bonds, whatever, investments that increase jobs and add to general prosperity, but give some of your wealth to charity now, enough to your children in your last will and testament to keep them from destitution, and the rest to charity when you die. Unburden yourself. Be like the camels of the ancient Near East as they approached the eye of a needle (eye of needle = city gate.) They were made to kneel, then completely unloaded, and then made to crawl through the eye on their knees. Actual words of Jesus: “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” We’ve often ignored these words because they seem so odd, so crazy. But modern biblical scholarship has restored their meaning in all its stark clarity. I am not rich. Were I so, I’d tremble until I wrote out a last will and testament in keeping with the clear and explicit teaching of Our Lord.

        1. You conveniently left off the rest of the text. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Seems like people with wealth who trust in God can be saved. Regarding your suggestion about how to divide up ones wealth. You think, in todays world, putting money in stocks and bonds will increase jobs. You better stick to what you know best. Let’s review who you are. You have no family that you need to work hard to make a pay check to support and educate. I assume, being a priest, you have not been fired, laid off or had to worry about your next job or paycheck. The good people who attend your parish and do have to work in daily jobs have made sure that your are taken care of. So I suggest you save the investment advice for those whose profession it is to give it. Having said all that, I thank you for being a priest. Without you we would not have the Mass, Confession, Adoration, Extreme Unction, etc.

          1. You astonish me. Why should you think I’m a priest? I am in fact a retired layman, father of four children. I have struggled all my adult life to keep three square meals on the table and raise my kids to be decent Christians, sending all of them to college. I’ve been laid off not once but twice. I now live in a very modest retirement, largely on social security. Stick to what I know best? Are you a professional economist? Are you familiar with the economic multiplier, with stocks/bonds as a multiplier, with monetary discipline as a control on inflation, with fiscal discipline as a stimulus to job creation, with arguments for and against a sizable increase in the minimum wage? There are Catholic/Christian positions on these issues, and while I’m not a trained economist, I understand these positions. As to Scripture: don’t quote out of context. We can find, especially in Matthew’s Gospel, all sorts of scriptural passages that can be interpreted to say few will be saved, and other passages elsewhere that can be read to say we can all rejoice in our salvation. Few of the Sayings of Jesus–I’m using “Sayings” here in the sense in which exegetes use it–are as clear as His teaching on the camel and the eye of the needle. Lastly, why are you so venomous? The tone of your posting simply astonishes me.

  16. Thank you White Trash
    I am in 60s now. I feel badly for my white descendants.
    We havebeen trashed, equalized.
    Not from Gods laws, Democrats !

  17. Thank you Msgr. We must keep these things in mind always.
    I would hope that all Christians begin the fruitful practice of St Francis de Sales daily meditations. This excerpt is from the meditation on death:

    2. Consider that then, the world will come to an end as far as you are concerned. You will have no more part in it. It will turn upside down before your eyes, for worldly joys and pleasures and the things you loved in vain will turn into empty dreams and shadows. Fool that I am to offend God for the sake of such trifling vanities. I have forsaken God, and for what – for nothing! On the other hand, devotion and good deeds will be seen as desirable and delightful to and you will ask yourself – why did I not take this beautiful and pleasant path of everlasting joy? At that hour, your sins – which at the time seemed so small – will appear as vast as mountains and your devotions truly small.

  18. Great Post Msgr. Pope – this has been the topic of a running 5 year conversation my wife and I have been having – change is a tough thing for us humans – God Bless You!

  19. excellent point, Father…but-ahh i’m still gonna pray that the Lord gonna letmie win the lottery! 🙂

  20. Try to live in accord with the matters for judgment described in Matthew 25: 31-46 and Luke 16:19-31. The point of Luke’s parable is that we are responsible for our neighbor, even if he/she seemed to be part of the scenery near our home. Not being aware of his need and not acting upon it will not be excused. The rich man (Dives, in classical English) was acutely aware of Lazarus after they both died, yet seemed not to have noticed his poverty and need for food and clothing earlier.

    1. well said. this is an instructive parable as it explains to us that our awareness of those around us is a measure of our hearts.

      it is also a tale of the providence of God. in our daily travels, we run into this one and that… much of this is NOT random coincidence. The Lord moves in and through them as we cooperate with his grace in any encounter.

  21. I have found that the trades pay as well if not better than some college degrees and one is not exposed to the anti-God propaganda which has taken over so many of our universities. Of course, there then is the union thing which can be bad also.

    1. Well said! A real penetration into absolute truth. On that day of judgement how many will come into Christ’s
      presence with empty hands. I fear far,far, far too many.

      [email protected]

  22. The only security is the Will of God; if you have been living, loving and operating in His Will, no problem, regardless of your wealth when you die.

    Does anybody know when he will die?

  23. This is a well framed article and teaches us how God thinks so much different from what we think
    therefore this article has to be published it in schools, offices, church, post cards and where ever possible
    God Bless.

    1. But the passage you cite is an obfuscation because it (you?) imply that one passage is the only passage. If read the whole bible you will surely see that there is more. The one who does not believed is condemned, Men will answer for every idle word they utter, Those who look with lust and do into repent will have themselves thrown into Gehenna, those who call their brother Raqa risk the fires of Gehenna, those who scandalize the least of his brethren, better they had never been born, better to be cast into the sea with a millstone….etc. I could go on an on. The list you cite from Matt 25 is clearly an utterance of Jesus, but so are all the other things I quoted. If you think this (Matt 25 list) is all that will be matter for judgement you have been deceived. Frankly the page you cite is full of all sorts of foolishness. It is so wacko that I am not even going to bother to remove the link you supply, people will see it for what it is. Also your reference there to Pope Francis is gratuitous and shows that you hear what you like and forget the rest. Pope Francis talk about Hell and Judgment in a lot of other ways that you would not like. Try these:

      If you’re going to post stuff, how about a little honesty and full reporting. To be as selective as you are and present it as the whole truth is a lie. And God does not leave liars unpunished. Here’s another standard for judgment said by Jesus:

      I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Rev 21:8-9

      IOW stop lying and leading people into errors by your webpage or realize that you will answer to God for it one day.

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