Seeing What We Have

If we were put on trial for being Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict us? Would there be witnesses who could attest to our faith? In circumstances like that, we would certainly want our family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to be well aware of our Christianity! The fact is, Jesus does want other people to see our faith in action, because it can change their lives.

A former drug addict shared with me that his cure began when he joined a vibrant young adult prayer group. When I asked him why, he said, “I could see that they had something that I needed!”

It’s Jesus’ hope that others will look at us and want what it is we have. He wants people to see our good works. It’s one of the ways he builds up his church. And it’s one of the ways we evangelize.

Evangelism, however, is about drawing attention to Jesus, and not drawing attention to ourselves. That’s why, in today’s gospel, Jesus warned against praying, fasting, and giving in order to impress other people. To do that is self-glorification, and it’s a real temptation in our culture. But as Christians, who we’re called to glorify is not ourselves, but our Lord.

Readings for today’s Mass:

Photo Credit: minkeymonkeymoo via Creative Commons