Four Descriptions of Discipleship – A Sermon for the 23rd Sunday of the Year

In today’s Gospel Jesus defines four Demands of discipleship. We can look at them one by one. I. The CONTEXT of the discipleship. The text says that large crowds were following Jesus and so he turned to address them. Just about any time you find a mention of a large crowd fasten your seat belts …

Back to Basics! Recovering a Catechetical Vision that is simple and foundational

I’ve spent the last few days putting the Parish Sunday School curriculum together. As is often the case, every three or four years, I am returning to a back to basics approach in the parish that emphasizes the fundamental kerygma and its message of sin, redemption and grace. Perhaps a little background: About eight years …

Words Fall Short: A meditation on the limits of human language and thought

It happens, quite often, that our strengths are very closely related to our struggles.  And one of our strengths, clearly, is our capacity to speak and to write, to use words to symbolize reality, and thereby convey thoughts. So also our ability to think, to abstract and conceptualize, and interpret reality. I of course am …

Give me Wisdom! A Reflection on a”Scientific”Report that Calls believers less intelligent than Athiests

It would seem, according to how some people measure intelligence, that those of us who believe in God rank as “less intelligent” than those who do not. A recent report in the “Mail” (a U.K. paper) reports this “fact” as the result of extensive and scientific IQ testing and summarizes what I would call the …

"Lest I be full and deny you" A meditation on the secularizing influence of riches, as seen in a video.

One of the great “evils” of our time is satiation. I put the word “evil” into quotes here to emphasize that no particular good thing that God has made is, in itself evil. But we, on account of our own inordinate drives, accumulate and indulge beyond reason. And in becoming satiated, that is filled, we …