Humility is Greater Than Unity. – A Meditation on the Story of the Tower of Babel.

The Story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, is a memorable story for most. And yet it has a strange angularity to it. On the one hand it seems to be a retelling of what is described in Genesis 10 of the table nations who spread forth from Noah’s sons, filled the earth …

Pass the Salt and Put on the Lights! – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year

In the gospel today the Lord describes metaphorically (i.e. figuratively) what a Christian is and what He expects of us. Note five things about what He says. I. The Definitiveness of his Proclamation – The Text says You are the Salt of the earth….You are the light of the World…..But if salt goes flat it …

The Mystery of Iniquity – A Meditation on the Deep Mystery of Rebelliousness

It is a phrase in the Scriptures that, while speaking of mystery, is itself a bit mysterious and debated among scholars, The “Mystery of Iniquity.” St. Paul mentions it in Second Thessalonians and ties it to an equally mysterious “Man of iniquity” who will appear before the Second Coming of Jesus. Many modern translators (accurately) …

The Doctor is In – A Reflection on a Sermon of Dr. Martin Luther King refuting Atheist Materialism

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose birth we commemorate this weekend, is most known for his work with racial justice and civil rights. But Dr. King had other things to say as he preached each Sunday, first in his own assembly and later as he moved about. Among the recorded sermons that are available comes …

Should the Church Consider Reintroducing the Exorcism Prayers in the Rite of Baptism?

In yesterday’s blog post, we examined some reports on the revised Rite of Baptism being proposed in the Church of England. Many argue, I think rightly, that the new Rite results in a watering down of many essential truths. The longer is sin nor the devil explicitly renounced. You can read more of that here: …

Does anybody really know what time it is? A meditation on the mystery of time.

I began our New Years Eve Late Night Mass (Which begins at 11:15 PM) with the observation that we begin this Mass in one year, and end in another. New Years Eve features the mysterious passage from one year to another. In a way I suppose it is no more mysterious than the passage from …