What Are Our Pets Really Saying? A Meditation on the Eager Expectation of All Creation

I am often struck by the mystery of the relationship that dogs and cats set up with their owners. While I realize that we humans often project what we want their behavior to mean, I am still fascinated by the reality of how our pets come to “know” us and set up a kind of …

How Do You Solve the Problem of Violence? A Commentary on Superheroes

There was more violence this past weekend. A man, whatever his grievance, killed three police officers and wounded four others. Pray for their souls. And what has this gotten us? More anger. And no progress on justice at all. History is replete with the failures of those who thought they could usher in justice with …

Love Lightens Every Load – A Homily for the 15th Sunday of the Year

One could easily reduce today’s Gospel to trite moralisms: Help people in trouble; Be kind to strangers; etc. While these are certainly good thoughts, I would argue that it is about far deeper things than human kindness or ethics. This is a Gospel about the transformative power of God’s love and our need to receive …

Peter in Jail – Five Facts of Faith We Learn from His Story

Today’s Feast of Saints Peter and Paul honors two pillars of the early Church. While all the Apostles form the foundation, Peter and Paul stand out profoundly in terms of their influence and their work. And while some suggest a division between them, the Church insists that they must been seen together; hence their feast …

What Does It Mean When Scripture Says That God Hardens Certain Human Hearts?

One of the more difficult biblical concepts to understand is that of God hardening the hearts and minds of certain people. The most memorable case is that of Pharaoh: before sending Moses to him, God said that He would “harden Pharaoh’s heart” (Ex 4:21). And there are other instances in which biblical texts speak of …

Five Disciplines of Discipleship – A Homily for the 13th Sunday of the Year

The Gospel today portrays for us some disciplines that are important for disciples. They are portrayed in the life of Jesus, but are to be applied in our lives. Let’s look at each of them in turn. I. Purposefulness – The text says, When the days for Jesus’ being taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely …