The Mystery of God’s Children in a Thousand Points of Light

In the video below you will see a visual representation of Worldwide Airline Traffic in a 24 hour period. Each plane is represented by a small dot of yellow light.

As you view the video consider some of the following:

  1. Every dot is a plane that carries hundreds of people.
  2. Each individual has a story.
  3. Some are joyful and flying out to attend a wedding or family event.
  4. Some are sad and flying to funerals.
  5. Each dot is a plane filled with people who have both gifts and struggles.
  6. Their lives intersect with hundreds of other people.
  7. Some are influential and well known.
  8. Others live more hidden lives but are very precious to others.
  9. There are mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, children, spouses, young and old.
  10. Some of the people on those planes represented by those dots will die soon.
  11. Others are just beginning their lives.
  12. All of the people on these planes have lives that are swept up into the great mystery of God’s unfolding plan.
  13. None of them are accidents, or surprises to God.
  14. Each have the dignity of being an intentional creation of God.
  15. Each is known to God more then they know themselves.
  16. God knows everything about every person on every plane represented by every tiny dot.
  17. He knows their past, their present and their future.
  18. He sustains every fiber of their being.
  19. Before they were ever formed in their mother’s womb God knew them, loved them, intended them.
  20. Every one of their days was written in God’s book before any of those days came to pass.

Each dot a plane. On each dot a gathering of people. Each person with a history and a destiny unfolding, known to God, loved by God, sustained by God.

Behold the mystery:

O God, Who did cause the children of Israel to traverse the Red Sea dryshod; Thou Who did point out by a star to the Magi the road that led them to Thee; grant us we beseech Thee, a prosperous journey and propitious weather; so that, under the guidance of Thy holy angels we may safely reach that journey’s end, and later the haven of eternal salvation.

Hear, O Lord, the prayers of Thy servants. Bless their travels. Thou Who art everywhere present, shower everywhere upon them the effects of Thy mercy; so that, insured by Thy protection against all dangers, they may return to offer Thee their thanksgiving. Through Christ our Lord.

5 Replies to “The Mystery of God’s Children in a Thousand Points of Light”

  1. O God, Who did cause the children of Israel to traverse the Red Sea dryshod; Thou Who did point out by a star to the Magi the road that led them to Thee; grant us we beseech Thee, a prosperous journey and propitious weather; so that, under the guidance of Thy holy angels we may safely reach that journey’s end, and later the haven of eternal salvation.

    Hear, O Lord, the prayers of Thy servants. Bless their travels. Thou Who art everywhere present, shower everywhere upon them the effects of Thy mercy; so that, insured by Thy protection against all dangers, they may return to offer Thee their thanksgiving. Through Christ our Lord.

  2. This is powerful. Whenever I am on the Metro, I always find myself wondering about the people riding with me and what their stories might be. However, the only time I usually encounter friendliness (with people not talking on their cell phones or listening to ipods) is when I go down for the Marine Corps Marathon. People are so friendly then, sharing marathon tips and hints for the race, wishing each other luck…. I learn a lot about my fellow Metro riders then. I don’t fly much, so this is the closest I can come to relating to your post.

    One of my favorite quotes is “Everybody is fighting a great battle in life.” I heard it from my high school English teacher, and this quote keeps me going and makes me remember that other people have their own stuff going on and that’s why they may act the way they do at times.

  3. Whenever we fly somewhere (in our 70s less frequent than earlier) we pray at each takeoff and landing a Hail Mary, followed by an ejaculation (“Mary conceived w/o sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”) Consider the last petition in the Ave: “pray for us NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH”. Amen.
    One never knows the day nor the hour. One can do worse than making friends with the Mother of Jesus.

  4. Thank you for all the different things you continue to share with us. You are indeed blessed with a very special gift for this ministry. Having read the above, I will definitely have a lot to think about when I travel from here to there. May God continue to bless you. Again, thank you so much.

  5. Oh the humanity! I’m sorry, I just can’t watch it anymore. It reminds me of the burning of the Hindenberg. Disturbing. Thank God for mustard seeds.

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