Mysteries and Paradoxes of Evangelization – A Meditation on a Passage from the Gospel of Mark

In the Church throughout the world today, we are rightly more focused on evangelization. It is “job one,” and Jesus could not have been clearer: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey …

How to Save the World, God’s Way – A Reflection on a Liturgical Teaching of Pope Benedict

Whenever I write on liturgy, I get a lot of comments. Many people obviously care deeply about it. Yet I also get comments that decry my “preoccupation” with liturgy, saying that it is of minor importance compared to the issues of poverty, abortion, etc. Some on the left will say, “Who cares if the Pope washes certain feet or …

A Portrait of Powerful Preaching – A Homily for the 4th Sunday of the Year

There are four aspects of powerful preaching displayed by Jesus in this passage. Jesus is not just a powerful preacher Himself, but also models what it means to be a powerful and effective preacher. In using the word “preacher” here we ought to be careful not to reduce preaching merely to what takes place in …

God’s Plan will Stand – A Word of Encouragement to the Fainthearted

Advent is a season of waiting, waiting for God to fulfill his promises. We know that most of His promises from the Old Testament were fulfilled magnificently by Jesus. But as St. Paul reminds, we have received but the first fruits of his work in our soul (cf Rom 8:23). The created world and our …

Matrimony or Bust – Another Glimpse at the Why and How of Traditional Marriage’s Demise

All the way back in 1973, George Gilder published a book entitled Men and Marriage. He expanded and republished it in 1986. In his book, Gilder argued that our culture was marginalizing men, to its great peril. He articulated the critical role that marriage has in helping men focus their sexual energies in a creative and beneficial …