I don’t know why, but it’s funny to see the Pope on the phone. I am not sure where I got this photo. It has just been in my collection since shortly after Pope Benedict became Pope.
But again I say, that it strikes me as odd to see him on the phone, and I don’t know why. But, as I look at this photo, I think of the following caption as he speaks into the phone with his soft German accent: No, Really! This is the Pope! I really mean it! Please deliver three pizzas, extra cheese with Italian Sausage to the Vatican… No really! I am not kidding….This is me!
I have always thought that Pope Benedict is very photogenic. His face is wonderfully expressive. A couple of years ago, I put together a brief video of some of the more humorous photos of the Pope. I hope you might enjoy a one minute diversion.
I also put together another video of the Pope as a pilgrim and world traveler set to Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere.” Enjoy a toe tapper of a song with photos showing the Pope’s far flung travels.
Here’s a pic I took when I saw him last month.
Yes, I am very grateful to Sister Mary Christa at the Bishop’s Office for sitting us up that close.
Wonderful photo, thanks!
I loved the first set of pictures very much. And I like his red shoes — never noticed them before. The beer remind me how German he is — the whole time I worked in Germany, I was teased for not liking beer.
Thank you.
Perhaps it seems funny because Popes aren’t usually thought of using telephones..
You made my day today with these two videos. He is not untouchable and his humor shines through.
May our Holy Father continue to guide us for many more years.
Perhaps it seems funny to see the Holy Father talking on the phone because it sets him in the modern age and the ordinary world along with the rest of us (as in ordering pizza!). So many of the pictures we usually see show him dressed much as a pope of one, two, or more centuries ago might have been, and in classic “papal” situations (celebrating Mass at St. Peter’s, etc.). That’s what makes the whole thing more wonderful for me — the Church and the Papacy are timeless, transcending the passing news, fashions, whims, etc. of the everyday world we’re used to.
Thank you, these are wonderful images and videos of our Holy Father. May Our Lord bless him and keep him protected for many more years to guide us.
Will pass this site on to others in other states, too good to keep it only in Washington Archdiocese
Wow, thanks for the pics they made me smile. I agree truly he’s not untouchable. Honestly when he was first elected as popeI I was so negative because he’s German but thro’ prayer I learned to sincerely love him
& alwys praying for him & his intentions. I’m grateful to God for this pope like Blessed JPII. God bless & protect you, Holy Father. We love you.
We are Blessed to have such a wonderful Pope!!!!