Fortitude, Patience, and Meekness: Three Virtues We Often Separate, but That Belong Together

There is an important interplay and balance between the virtues that many modern minds set in opposition to one another. False dichotomies often prevail when the subtlety of virtues are lost or their meanings are grasped in simplistic or inaccurate ways. Consider three virtues that are related and which enable and moderate one other: fortitude, …

Fortitude, Patience, and Meekness: Three Virtues We Often Separate, but That Belong Together

There is an important interplay and balance between the virtues that many modern minds set in opposition to one another. False dichotomies often prevail when the subtlety of virtues are lost or their meanings are grasped in simplistic or inaccurate ways. Consider three virtues that are related and which enable and moderate one other: fortitude, …

Be Clothed in the Beauty of Holiness! A Meditation on the Virtues in Colossians 3

In yesterday’s blog post, (which was actually a written version of my Sunday sermon), I mentioned that it might make sense for us to look more deeply at some of the virtues In the Letter to the Colossians which ought to be cultivated by a Christian, especially in the family setting. The third chapter of …